Forever Tenuous
Better to live out this senselessness
And then die of joy.
I see the old of the world
Boil water. Stop fish.
Better to sleep with Mount Diablo
On rotted, rusted steel beds.
Sleep with Devil Mountain.
Dream of the
Splendid fleeting moment
When something once flowed
Through my deadly tired body
Open the window
I want red dragons to guard my treasures
I’d rather climb mountains with God
I’d rather see bison shift weight from haunch to haunch
And stroll through the crazed fields of wheat
I’d rather see the trails of dead cartilage on my arms,
View the teeth stains on my chest.
And tongue the once-bitten and bled an now-fattened lower lip.
The treasures,
The treasures,
The treasures left
From a night well spent
With the lovely rogue, Trix
I’m desperate for succor.
Show me showgirls and truck stops.
Plumage, diesel tanks and grace.
Fates that grunt empathy
From rain-sodden wallows.
The women I’ve known,
Those strong of bone,
Have long gone underground.
The rest drown in cynicism,
Take academic cyanide,
And become vigilantes
Rudderless with emotion
My holding of water is forever tenuous