loving kindness
Two gay men talk to Cap in front of the butcher shop
All are Friends.
Reflexive greetings are had.
What’s notorious
Is the unseen presence of disgust with mess
In these two men.
Their waterlogged presence
Filled with right angles
Dusted plants
And the stink of mindfulness.
“What was going on last night?”,
One man asks.
“There was man screaming in the parking lot”
Cap replies.
“Probably, Brian, the homeless man who sleeps there”
“That’s all right.” The one man responds back,
“I sent him loving kindness anyway.”
Yes. Leaving one closet for another.
The Buddhist tradition of not doing shit for anyone but pray for all sentient beings.
Nothing in the texts about leaving him a Jackson
So he doesn’t have to beg for a day.
And don’t expect him to do with the twenty
What you want him to do with it.
He’s a brother.
Not a shit stain that needs to be cleaned