peeking at the light of the moon
She has finished her two fried eggs.
And I my chicken burger.
She has relaxed.
Me too.
Judith smiles.
So did I.
Her features have softened.
Mirroring my own.
I place a period at the end of a sentence.
We are tired. We talked about our mutual fatigue.
I have a doctors appointment at 1:15.
The train stops.
We have run out of things to say.
We look into each others eyes silently.
Hers are brown.
Mine are blue.
We are “there”
Enjoying a quiet gaze of sparkle and life.
We are meeting again.
I think, “What do I do?”
Like I am caught peeking at the light of the moon.
I drop my eyes
Surprised at my own shyness.